Charles S.
Updated from 4178 for the Rich Dad Entrepreneur Blueprint - Sales Page Dev (
I took one of Robert's coaching classes and I went off and I bought my first rental. Along with that, I have used Robert's knowledge that he's given me to purchase commercial land. Now I'm buying this building. I believe in what Robert's saying. I'm just going to trust. I'm going to do what they tell me to do. Increase my financial education as much as I can. It certainly is not the popular thing among all my friends who are employees. they have degrees. and now I'll see those guys around town, and they are like "Hey Charles How's work going"? and I'm like "I don't work anymore" you guys work. I'm living the dream I love what I'm doing. I had some offline discussions with my coach and picked his brain on some questions that I had, and he was very helpful. The people that I've acquired on my teams over the years can help me through it too. I look to Rich Dad Coaches for their help too.
— Charles S., Michigan, USA